The QQRONA software suite


While the basic concept behind QQRONA is straightforward - simple building blocks, linking together to build circuits and systems - the realisation of QQRONA models quickly becomes very complex. With many possible connection and parameter combinations combine with multiple, interlinked feedback paths, QQRONA models are not susceptible to analysis and synthesis using traditional mathematics or computers. Hence the need for a dedicated suite of software to design, build, tune and run the models.

The QQRONA software suite has two main parts:

QQRONASynth Toolkit (QST)

QS Toolkit provides both a user-friendly front-end to control QS and a number of tools to enable users to design, build, test and tune QQRONA models. QST can also control models in-flight by communicating directly with QS. It is currently implemented as a macro-enabled Excel workbook, allowing users to use native Excel functions toanalyse and synthesise configuration parameters and examine results data more closely.


QQRONASynth runs the model itself. Along with its various output visualisation programs, it runs as stand alone executable file. These are real-time programs and do not accept direct user input